In a sunny day Saint Pius X School went to the Manaiakalani film festival. Inside the theatre it was dark and the big screen was in front of us. Five schools came to the movies in our session and Mr Coakley came up and talked about the movies. Some people were sitting at the back and the front of the theatre. The back seats were soft and nice and I was sitting there with two boys from room 5.
Some of the movies were funny and good and some people had a fun time at the movies. I was looking around I saw little lights next to us. All the movies had been seen for our session so after that we have to sit down and wait for our teacher to come and get us. We all went outside and we went on the bus we went back to school and have lunch.
My favorite movie was room 3's three words, because I was in that movie and my friends were in it. So I really love it, I hope people love it too.
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