
Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Warriors Visit


Today we had an awesome morning because we had visitors from the Warriors.  Ken Maumalo, David, and a very beautiful women who came and talked to us about what they eat and drink.  

The best part was when we all played a game that the visitors introduced to us.  It was a Food version of heads up, but it was heaps of fun.  Who ever goes up, comes back down with a prize for example a warrior ball or a water bottle.

I think it was an amazing morning for all of us and I hope that the rest of the school enjoyed it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The story of Te Arohuruhuru

Our group's story is about Te Arohuruhuru, it's a very sad story because Te Arohuruhuru committed suicide   because she was embarrassed of her bare body. 
If you want to read the whole story here is the link.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Basic Facts MathsPractise

Here is my basic Test for this Friday. I still need a lot of practise but I think I did good.

My Holiday Recount

My writing goals.
To plan group ideas effectively before writing.
To add details to my ideas by using specific vocabulary and to give examples.
To maintain consistent tense throughout my writing .
To use appropriate punctuation correctly and consistently in my writing.
To plan before writing
Tuesday, 23 July 2015.✓  😊
As always holidays are supposed to be fun. To me the holidays have always been boring, I wanted to come back to school. I constantly thought about school, and my friends. When suddenly my mum burst through my door room all dressed up, make up on, hair down, not heels but flat shoes.

I was surprised because it's been a while she looked like that , Then I remembered she was having a girl’s nights out.  The only reason why she burst into my room was to warn me and my sister, not to do anything dumb while she's out,  and to keep the house clean.

When she left my eyes were so big which means we have the whole house to ourselves, just me and my sister. We did so many things together.
Playing karate in the living room.
Made easy brownies- when I mean easy it's really easy.
Put makeup on each other and took selfies. 
Ate chocolate bars.

All those things we did that night were memories, I really enjoyed it even my sister. We did so many things together just in that night.  The good thing about that night was we worked together to clean the house, change the sheets in the room because there were stains on it from the make up, Packed away the dishes and tidied up the living room.

At 10: 23 we were dead asleep, tired from all the cleaning. We don’t know when our mum came back, I don’t know about my sister but I know I heard our kitchen door open.  

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lectio Divina

Today in R.E I have learnt what is Lectio Divina.
What is Lectio Divina?.
Lectio Divina is a type of a traditional prayer. Lectio Divina is a prayerful prayer.

Forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Dear God,
Give me the confidence and passion to forgive others as you forgave me.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Acrostic Poem- Matariki

This is my acrostic poem about the matariki that I have created on google draw.
T is for time, it time to dance and sing because it "MATARIKI".